1175 Avenue Union
Montreal, Quebec
Montréal H3B 3C6
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Your dream: a soccer tour !
Your team can travel today !
Much easier than you think !
Let us organize your dream sports team tour. Start by filling
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HOT Sports
will contact you within 24 hours
Live your team's dream trip today !
Don't wait !
Let us organize your dream
sports team tour
. Simply Start with our simple contact form. HOT Sports will contact you within 24 hours. Don't wait and
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Soccer Team Travel
Take Your Soccer Team Around the World
in North America,
in the UK,
in Germany, and
in Brazil... it's the world's most popular team sport. Over 240 million people play soccer regularly in more than 200 countries in every corner of the planet.
HOT Sports
, can get your team onto fields around the world. Great Britain. Europe. South America.
Doing More Than Just Bending It Like Beckham
HOT Sports
can help your players develop relationships that can last a lifetime, while learning about foreign lands, cultures, and people. As your team travels from place to place, this trip-of-a-lifetime will become much more than just playing soccer. And the experience opens doors for overseas teams to visit Canada.
HOT Sports
Sports handles all arrangements, from finding the competing teams and scheduling the matches, to arranging for home visits, and trips to the local tourist attractions. HOT Sports will help set up the day-to-day itinerary for the entire trip.
(Little-known fact: Do you know why football is called soccer in North America? It comes from the old names used to distinguish football and rugby in the UK: association football and rugby football, respectively. The term soccer first appeared in the 1880s as a shortening of association to assoc, and then just soc.)
How to Get Started
Organizing an international hockey tour for your team or organization is easier than you think!
To learn more
contact Us